in a nutshell

10. a elaborated example

The following is an excerpt from a Suregen-II application for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The concept
P6_EinführenKameratrokar describes the insertion of the camera trocar:
(SuregenConcept P6_EinführenKameratrokar :is-a SuregenProcess
   ((SP :are
       :action "anheben"
       :object "Bauchdecke"
       :instrument (SuregenInstance SuregenCountableCollection
                      :count-of "zwei"
                      :membertype "Backhausklemme"))
       :action "einführen"
       :object "Kameratrokar")
       :action "einbringen"
       :object "Optik")))))
P6_EinführenKameratrokar is defined with three subprocesses, all of them instances of the SuregenActionOnObject-class. The
first  describes the lifting (“anheben”=”to lift”) of the abdominal wall (“Bauchdecke”) with two (“zwei”) Backhaus towel clamps
(“Backhausklemmen”). The second describes the insertion (“einführen”=”to insert”) of the camera trocar (“Kameratrokar”)
and the last subprocess represents the installation (“einbringen” = ”to install”) of the lens system ("Optik"). Now
  (ToDescribe :a P6_EinführenKameratrokar
              :use (DescribeS it :by t-consecutiveProcesses :as as))
specifies that the description of an instance of P6_EinführenKameratrokar should be done using the semantic function
t-consecutiveProcesses (mentioned above). The text generated by
(DescribeS I-EinführenKameratrokar :as :NP-elliptic)
reads as follows:
"Anheben der Bauchdecke mit zwei Backhausklemmen, Einbringen des Kameratrokars sowie der Optik."
(„Lifting of the abdominal wall with two Backhaus towel clamps, installation of camera trocar and the lens system.”)

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