Another source of problems is the question which components of the phrases are to be left out in the enumeration. Consider for instance the sentence pre-form
:subject (noun-phrase :noun "Schmerz"
:pronoun :definite)
:predicate "ausstrahlen"
:attribute (Enum :positive :neutral
((noun-phrase :noun "Schulter"
:pronoun :definite)
(noun-phrase :noun "Arm"
:adjective "links"
:pronoun :definite))))
("Schmerz"="pain", "ausstrahlen"="to radiate", "Schulter"="shoulder", "Arm"=arm", "links"="left")
This should give:
"Der Schmerz strahlt in die Schulter und den linken Arm aus."
("The pain radiates to the shoulder and the left arm.")
On the other hand, the expression:
:subject (noun-phrase :noun "Schmerz"
:pronoun :definite)
:predicate "ausstrahlen"
:attribute (Enum :positive :neutral
((noun-phrase :noun "Hals"
:pronoun :definite)
(noun-phrase :noun "Schulter"
:pronoun :definite)
(noun-phrase :noun "Arm"
:adjective "links"
:pronoun :definite))))
should result in:
"Der Schmerz strahlt in Hals, Schulter und den linken Arm aus."
("The pain radiates to neck, shoulder and the left arm.")
where the all the definite pronouns but the last are removed.