These "syntacticized" formulations may be fleshed out:
(ToDescribe :a Thing :as :NP
:use (noun-phrase :noun "Ding"
:pronoun :neutral
:adjective (my :colour)))
(ToDescribe :a Thing :as :MC
:use (main-clause
:subject (noun-phrase :noun "Ding"
:pronoun :neutral
:adjective (my :colour))
:predicate "existieren"))
(ToDescribe :a Thing :as :MC
:use (main-clause
:subject (noun-phrase
:noun "Ding"
:pronoun :definite
:adjective (my :colour))
:predicate "existieren"))
Now the description uses the function my to refer to the (user accessible) slot colour, giving descriptions such as
"ein blaues Ding" ("a blue thing") or
"Ein blaues Ding existiert." ("A blue thing exists.")
"Das blaue Ding existiert." ("The blue thing exists.")
provided that the colour slot contains "blau" ("blue"). The flexion form of the adjective depends on
- gender (looked up in the dictionary)
- number (defaulting to singular)
- case (always nominative in noun phrases in subject role)
- definiteness of the noun phrase, inferred from the used pronoun